Hi hello hello welcome to the Velvet Room. :)

I'm Mint. This is my place. My garden. It's where I want to plant my internet flag from now on. It has all sorts of stuff that I'm interested in, thinking about, writing about, and so on. It is a work in progress. It will always be a work in progress. That's what's neat about it. The links are all here to dig through:

The Atelier
The Velvet Cafe
The Library
The Garden
Web Ring

The Atelier holds long term efforts I'm working on. The Velvet Cafe is where my new long-form writing usually ends up. The Library is all about media I'm interested in, usually with ratings and thoughts. The Garden has lots of resources I collect for one reason or another. You can also Contact Me.


A lot of my stuff is built in Dataview, so they may look uglier than you expect published here, especially the stuff in The Library. Entries from now on will rely less on Dataview as a result but pardon the mess in the meanwhile.

I drafted up a little a Velvet Room Terms of Service that's worth looking at too, I think.

If you're interested in hearing from me long term, I've built a Buttondown Newsletter. Feel free to subscribe to it. I'll probably update it at the end of a month with whatever stuff I've written about. You can sign up to it below, or check The Velvet Newsletter for the archive.