The Menu

28 Days of Horror Movies

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"I don't think you can go to South Africa with a DUI."
"It's the emoji for me."
"Where did you go to school?" "Brown." "Student loans?" "No." "I'm sorry, you're dying tonight."


This is going to sound weird because it probably is, but a highlight of horror movies for me is watching pieces of shit get what they deserve. I'm pretty sure this is why Saw X has been so well received recently. The world is full of bad people who get away with it, so it's nice to get a spin on that.

This is also why I love The Menu, despite it technically not being a horror movie. At least in the traditional sense. It's hilarious more than anything else - funnier than I ever expected the first time I watched it. But more importantly, it's about pieces of shit who kinda get what's coming to them. Wealthy clowns who don't know how good they have it. That's how our "antagonist" sees them, and how I see them too. And so too does our protagonist, played by Peach herself Anya Taylor-Joy.

The Menu tries to put a lot on its plate (heh), which might be to it's detriment. But I'm easily pleased, so I enjoyed the movie's multi-pronged critique of the wealthy, the decay of art in the face of capitalism, what's it's like to be a service industry worker - in more ways than one - and more. It feels like these aspects are all deftly woven through the film. It's also perfectly paced, and great for a rewatch to catch sthings you might not have noticed on the first go. Just a great film overall!