I have many times before mentioned how the most entertaining kind of horror is the kind where a bunch of assholes get what they deserve. Unfriended might be the king of this trope in the horror genre. This movie is very interesting to look back on because I first encountered it whilst watching the YMS Review on it. In retrospect, that review sucks (and frankly so does YMS, but that's neither here nor there). It's a very "cinema sins"-esque dig at how the movie can't work because of X Y and Z logic, and like, who fucking cares, really? I signed up to watch a bunch of shitheads get taken out one by one, and this movie does just that.
Is it the greatest horror movie I've ever seen? Not by a long-shot. But watching these losers turn on each other over their terrible decisions makes it a breezy blast to rewatch during spookmonth. I'm not looking for Scorsese here, you know?
If you're trying to get into scary movies, Unfriended is a great place to start, btw. The scares are all heavily telegraphed, so it won't ruin your night. And again, these people deserve it, so you'll probably be too busy rooting for the demon to remember you're supposed to be getting scared, lol.