Mint (OC)
Mint (not to be confused with Mint) is a creation I built in - checks notes - god...2017. They started out as a Vocaloid girl that likes to sing and skateboard, and have ballooned into an overarching representation of myself on the World Wide WebTM. They're everything I want them to be - a guy to portray the aspects of myself that I'd describe as masculine, and a girl to portray the cute stuff that I love.
I don't really ruminate on what this green-haired little goblin means to me anymore. They're as much a part of me as one of my limbs now. I used to feel so subconscious about changing my name to Mint and using a girl for an profile picture - the male version came later. Now I'll pick whatever depending on how I'm feeling that day, or week, or month.
I used to think I might have some gender dysphoria going on when I made Mint, especially the female version. Turns out that's not the case. Rather I just had dysphoria in general, about my body type and what I was "allowed" to like or dislike. But I'm pushing 30 now and I feel like I've kinda cleared that bar, especially with the 3.0 version of M!int's design. I'm just me, and that's pretty cool. But I still like to use Mint as an OC too, when I'm in the mood for it. Sorry if that's confusing, haha. But that's how it's gonna be.
On that note, a sincere thank you to everyone who's ever drawn mint, or supported their creation. There are very few things that I've allowed myself to create just for me, and having people enjoy that makes me very happy. :)